BPS Metro City Conducts Supervision of Quarterly Micro and Small Industry Survey 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Metro Municipality

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BPS Metro City Conducts Supervision of Quarterly Micro and Small Industry Survey 2024

BPS Metro City Conducts Supervision of Quarterly Micro and Small Industry Survey 2024

October 25, 2024 | BPS Activities

As part of the government's commitment to support the growth of small and micro businesses, BPS Metro City conducts a quarterly Micro and Small Industry Survey (IMK). This survey aims to monitor business development, understand the challenges faced, and record various aspects of the local economy that are the main drivers of the regional economy. Through this activity, it is hoped that the government can formulate policies that are right on target, support the sustainability of micro and small businesses, and make a real contribution to improving the community's economy.

In order to supervise and monitor the activities of the Micro and Small Industry Business Survey (IMK), the relevant BPS Metro City team conducted it on October 9-11, 2024. This activity aimed to understand the dynamics of micro and small businesses and identify problems faced by business actors. The supervisory team conducted supervision in a number of small businesses in North Metro Sub-district, with a focus on micro-industries, including brick, furniture, and furnace businesses. The supervision aimed to understand the development of businesses, as well as identify challenges faced by industry players in the area. During the activity, several obstacles faced by entrepreneurs were found, such as increasingly fierce market competition and a decrease in demand for certain products.

In addition, the team also encouraged businesses to optimize production on product types that have more stable demand in the market, such as medium and large-sized products. The results of this survey are expected to serve as a basis for the government to formulate appropriate policies to support the sustainability and development of small businesses in the region.




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